Dharma of Entrepreneurship

In Sanskrit, Dharma means being in harmony with the laws of nature.  I’m sure we’ve heard to “follow your passion”, but why?  I heard an interview with Donald Trump once where he talked about passion being necessary for you to go that level deeper than your competition will, and to feel content when working the inevitable long hours that are required to start a business.  At a more spiritual level, the Bible also talks about the gifts (the talents) we’ve each been given and why it is our obligation to share those gifts with the World.  And so from many perspectives, it seems common wisdom that we should build our businesses upon what we uniquely bring to the world, not just based upon the charts that tell us where an opportunity might be maximized. So with this in mind, here are a few notes for how to live and enterprise in harmony with your own Dharma:

I. Define Talent – what is my gift (at a meta level, not content)? What brings so much bliss that I can lose myself in the moment and live in a state of timelessness, connected with a higher source of energy; a partnership with that higher source of energy (god?)?

II. Find Humanity’s Need – What’s the biggest need my authentic talent can directly address? What can I give to the world that the World truly wants or needs; not simply what I want to give to satisfy my own ego?

III. Validate Economy of Effort – Is my talent being received and appreciated? Is it following effortlessly? (ROI – low input, high return)? If so, then a suitable talent is being applied to a suitable need.

IV. Enhance Approach – Optimize the tactical approach to abide by spiritual feedback looks that will make for sustainability and long-term fulfillment:

a. Karma – realize the effects of all my actions and accept that responsibility and long-term impact. Ensures positive energy flows back to me in the future when I need it.

b. Giving – proactively circulate positive energy by giving at every opportunity; even if only a flower. Increases receptivity of me and my ideas.

c. Acceptance – everything is for a reason. Accept that instead of being angry at what *should* be. Focus is thus on positively moving forward, not focusing on the past in which you cannot move forward.

d. Egolessness – Don’t waste time convincing others or pursuing accolades; its a waste of energy. It’s not about *me* or my ego.

e. Detachment – Let go of ‘scarcity mentality’ and the need for insecurity-driven things like money and power and keeping up with friends. According to Maslow these are lower-level needs. Focusing on these is the emotional equivalent of looking backward, not forward to satisfying the next emotional need of self-actualization.

f. Openness – Intend the big-picture to occur but do not rigidly attach to a specific outcome; be open to life as it unfolds along the way.

g. Balance – Ensure own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met along the way, so the lack of any of these do not impose on vision or wisdom of the moment. If out of balance, it will be impossible to make ‘spontaneously correct’ decisions or guide efforts in the right direction, looking forward, with pure intention.